Image via Pexels, Written by Sophie Letts www.meditationhelp.net
Mental health experts estimate that more than 40 million American adults suffer from anxiety. That's more than 19% of the nation's population. You shouldn't feel alone if you're part of this crowd. However, you need strategies for reducing and neutralizing attacks. Here are a few that could help you achieve a more tranquil existence.
Practicing Yoga
A growing body of research suggests that Eastern meditative practices may soothe angst. It's a safe and inexpensive form of mental realignment. Many adherents claim to leave sessions feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world. Join a formal class or follow online instructional videos in private.
Consider a specialized form of the discipline, such as Theta Healing. Visit norabenian.com to learn more about how this style of yoga has the potential to alleviate a wide variety of physical and spiritual maladies.
Optimizing Environments
Occupational stress is a major trigger for anxiety. Given recent world events and our increasingly digital lifestyle, more and more employees are working from home. Although there are advantages, such as no more commutes, it's up to you to design an office or workspace that facilitates calm.
Thankfully, there is much you can do. As with yoga, studies show that plants improve mental health and enhance our perspectives. If you lack a green thumb, choose a low-maintenance option. Set yours on your windowsill, allowing the sun's rays to provide natural nourishment. Sunbeams aren't just essential for succulents; they also benefit us by triggering the release of serotonin, thus boosting mood and increasing focus.
Furniture is another element that affects our state of mind. Pick chairs and desks that enhance productivity and offer optimal ergonomics. When shopping, think about color. Blues and greens are said to induce maximum serenity. Psychologists believe brown is best if comfort is your primary concern.
Cuddling Animals
Do you have a dog or cat? If not, mental wellness is the perfect reason to foster a pet. There's evidence that just 10 minutes of petting relieves nervousness. If you prefer to be different, consider an unusual selection, such as a chinchilla, hedgehog, or pot-bellied pig. Do your research before taking one of these animals into your home. You must be confident in your ability to provide proper care for any form of creature.
Entering VR
Virtual reality offers treatment programs aimed at reducing anxiety. The technology is now an off-the-shelf product, meaning you can experience it anywhere, at your convenience. You may even track the progress you're making with a mobile app.
Seeking Treatment
While each of these tactics can alleviate your condition, anxiety may persist. Get in touch with a mental health professional if you remain unable to tamp down your problem. There's no shame in seeing a counselor.
A psychiatrist might determine that prescribing anxiety medication is the correct decision. The antidepressant your doctor decides on depends on numerous factors, including your symptoms, what other drugs you're taking, and whether you have any pre-existing medical conditions. Antidepressants aren't appropriate for everyone or all mental health scenarios. Therefore, the prescribing individual will want to monitor your progress with an eagle eye. Watching out for concerning side effects is necessary to assure your health and safety aren't at risk.
Anxiety is one trait that makes us human. That said, it has the potential to be debilitating. Explore these strategies for living a life without fear.