Workshops & Retreats
Because everyone needs to learn, heal and enjoy life!
Day Retreat June 23/24
Give yourself a full day of SELF-CARE. Rejuvenate and revive in this beautiful and nurturing environment. Work out the kinks in your body, and get ready to relax deeply while bathing
in the healing vibrations of the
crystal and metal singing bowls.
Experience Yin yoga, Active Yoga,
Ball Therapy Massage + Restorative Yoga.
After a nourishing and delicious lunch catered by Cashew, we can venture out and hike the beautiful grounds or stay back and relax.
All for $150

You Deserve it!
At Rising Fawn Gardens

521 Cureton Mill Rd. Rising Fawn, GA 30738

Ball Therapy & Yoga Workshop
This workshop fuses a spectrum of acupressure work, energy line massage, and Yin yoga.Learn how to find and stimulate acupressure points along the meridians and how to release the blockages in your energy flow. Develop your ability to channel the life force (Prana) through congested areas of the body and relax more deeply than ever before.
Discover ways to release stagnant energy, pain, and tension and increase overall flexibility bringing your yoga practice to a whole new level. You will learn how to soothe tired feet, ease a headache, and release tension from the face, chest, abdomen, hips, shoulders, back, neck, arms, and hands.
These workshops will help you feel free again and allow you to move beyond your previous limitations in your yoga practice and in your overall well-being.
We can work on either the lower body including the feet, Achilles tendons, calves, IT band, buttocks, and hips or the upper body including the low, mid, and upper back, shoulders, and neck. The group decides what is needed at that time.
Come out feeling brand new!

Healing Sound Bath
Singing bowls produce a vibrational sound that resonates with the chakra of your body, strengthening your energetic field, improving your health, and directly affecting your brain wave activity. Scientific analyses of electromagnetic brainwaves confirm that the waves produced by singing bowls produce alpha waves in our brain giving a feeling of deep relaxation, stimulating healing, creates feelings of peace and overall well-being.
Rest deeply bathing in healing vibrational sounds.
$25 per person.
Bring 2 blankets, 2 pillows, a yoga mat and an eye pillow if you have one
@First Things First 1427 Williams St. Chattanooga, TN 37408

Nicaragua GLO
Yin Yoga Retreat & Training
Nov. 19-26/24
Bridge the gap of an active life to a meditative life. While practicing stillness in postures with longer holds, one’s mind begins to quiet down and allow greater awareness and understanding of oneself to emerge.
Yin yoga is based on the Taoist concepts of balancing the Yin and the Yang, the opposite and complementary principles in nature. With our busy lifestyles our bodies tighten up from mental tension and causing ailments and lack of mobility which lead to discomfort and pain.Yin yoga postures give an opportunity for deeper tissues such as connective and fascia to release long held tensions allowing for the Prana/ life force to flow more easily through previously blocked areas increasing overall energy and well-being.
Yin Yoga helps us to play our edges, unwind, breath more consciously and turn inward. There is less instruction to listen to, much to discover within oneself and more peace to be found. Yin yoga is a stabilizing, feminine and contemplative practice and is a wonderful compliment to any other form of yoga or any other activity in our life.
Benefits of Yin yoga are:
• Calming and balancing the mind and body
• Regulates energy, balances hormones, Improves sleep and deeper relaxation
• Increases mobility in the body, especially the joints and hips
• Lowers stress levels, reduces anxiety, tmp and migraines
• Greater stamina, better ability to sit through meditation
• Better lubrication, protection and flexibility of joints and connective tissue
The Yin retreat offers 12 CEU’s with Yoga Alliance.
Yin Yoga Teacher Training (for teachers and practitioners)
This 20 hour Yin Yoga teacher training includes 20 CEU’s with
Yoga Alliance and is a valuable addition to your teaching repertoire.
As a teacher you will learn:
to help students ease agitation and promote relaxation
explain organic and emotional/energetic benefits of postures
suggest specific postures therapeutically
assess comfort of your students
develop an understanding of the healing process
offer verbal cues and hands on adjustments
to re-align and restore the root of imbalance
to guide students through several sequences of yin yoga postures
GLO is a health cafe and empowerment community center located in tranquil Northern Nicaragua. Our unique, creative, & health conscious courses and experiences at the center are designed for stress reduction, health rejuvenation, & life recalibration with a customized educational component.
The center's GLO Retreat Program includes a fresh, local, menu from the GLO Flex Cafe, outdoor functional movement practices, vagal toning and breathing practices, life coaching, Chinese Medicine & Ayurvedic treatments with local practitioners, daily earthing, and community connections. With the support of mother nature, we are here to support you as you reclaim your health and your life.
Restorative Yoga &
Reiki Healing
This blissful, 75 min. healing experience restores your body, mind, and spirit.
Access deep release & relaxation combining the therapeutic touch of Reiki healing encourages connection, rejuvenation, and surrender.
As you are mindfully guided through a passive, restful, supported sequence, applying Reiki will assist you with your inward, healing journey.
At 525 Cherokee Blvd (back door)
Chattanooga TN 37405

Restorative Yoga Teacher Training
April 3-8 / 25
Sivananda Yoga Bahamas
During these programs, you will learn a full series of therapeutic or restorative postures to guide your students back to alignment and health. The practices are complemented with gentle stretching, breathing, and meditation. Through direct experience, practice teaching, and feedback, you leave with the ability to confidently teach a primary series of restorative poses to your students as well as incorporate them into your own practice.
These 30-hr Yoga Teacher Trainings are experiential and fundamentals courses designed to provide teachers with a foundation for teaching safe and effective yoga practices. Students will learn how to meet each student where they are, no matter the age or ability, and teach safe effective postures to heal the body and relax the mind.
Receive a manual, Certificate and 30 CEU"S with Yoga Alliance.
A Retreat version is also available during this time with
only 15 hrs of participation. See more here!
Restorative Self-Care Yoga Retreat